Who we were?
- A small innovativ Consulting Company in
Winterthur - Switzerland
- founded 1986
- reliable
- international
- open
- dynamic
- cooperativ
with our customers we work out solutions, which have raised the
efficiency of work and allowed
to enjoy working. Our aim was to make the Information available to all
on an easy way independent of where the Information is stored and how
to get it. A
userfriendly graphical user interface supports collecting, storing and
using of Know how of the company and of the employees.
- Our Customers
- Industry - Machinery-, Plant- and Apparatus making
Polytype, Schindler Waggon, SULZER, Mettler Toledo, Bauer Kassenfabrik,
AUTOPHON, HASLER, Rieter, +GF+ Giessereien, Raichle,
R.Mathys & Co., Feller, Maerz Offenbau, FRYMA, OSTACO,
Stahlwerke Vitkovice, SKODA, JIKOV, Sandvik, Sika, E.Renggli,
Lab.-Technik, PILATUS, HOVAL Interliz
- Institutes, Schools, CA.. Vendors, Administration
- EU
Kommission, IT World, Kaufmännische Berufsschule Winterthur,
Ingenieurschule Grenchen und Bern, Neu Technikum Buchs, ETH Zurich,
Zurich, ACB Winterthur, DEC Zurich, IBM/ETS Paris, EDS-UK
- Our Partners
- The founders of Engineering Solutions AG (formerly Stanek
Consulting AG)
- Jan Stanek, Dipl.Masch.Ing. SIA
- Years of experience in the industry -
design departement, MRP,
scientific computing center with Sulzer Bros. Ltd.
- Years of experience in consulting -
CAD/CAM-CIM evaluation,
implementatioon, customizing, integration - with Coopers&Lybrand
- Co-founder of Swiss Computer Graphics
Association - now innovationnetwork.ch
- Cooperation
with ewf-europe
- Co-founder of Engineering Workflow
Association - now Section 44 of
- For years publishing papers in several
technical journals - Member of Swiss Technical Press Association
- Vera Stanek, Dipl.El.Ing.
- Years of experience in scientific
- Lecturer on various educational institutes
- Microsoft Certified Professional for
Developing Applications with Microsoft Excel using Visual Basic
- Programming in object oriented languages
and tools
Created by Jan Stanek