Market research

The CA../PPS-CIM - Market in Switzerland

Jan Stanek participated with Engineering Solutions AG (to that time as Stanek Consulting AG) in a SPRINT-Project of European Union, which has supported the CA..Technology Transfer across Europe. The precise knowledge of the particular local market led to the market studies and seminars in all eleven participating countries.

Switzerland as a country with the worldwide highest "computer density" uses extensivelly the CA..Technology and is considered as a testmarket for Europe. For the small country three different languages and three different keyboards are necessary for three areas of different customers mentality.

Because Switzerland is not yet member of European Union the participants in EU-Projects have to look for support in the own country. Fortunately the Institute for Informatique of University of Freiburg - which issued all years the traditionally Swiss Computer Market Study - has been interested in the CA../PPS-Market. A first pilot study was made in 1991 in cooperation of Stanek Consulting AG with Institute of Prof. Dr. Ambros Luethi by Thomas Schaller, lic.rer.pol and Jan Stanek, Dipl.Ing.SIA. The next issue 1993 was a fully electronically supported study (see the Doctor Theses of Dr. rer. pol. Thomas Schaller), which consists of a user study and a vendor study. The different sights of a user and of a vendor can be directly compared.

A following CA..Market Study was issued 1996 by Stanek Consulting AG. The next study 1996/1997 has not been finished, because it was too uneasy to get the market data and the demand was decreasing. We were watching the market and the trends in the development of information technology, the impact of it on the organization, on the management and on the employees.

CA../PPS-CIM Market in Europe

All the partners in the SPRINT-Project examined the CA..Market and practised the Technology Transfer for years and after the SPRINT program has been finished a CATN Limited was founded and registered in Great Britain. All partners are share holders of the new company and continue to offer the knowledge and services on the local and european marketplace.

The CATN - Partners


Created by Jan Stanek